With the monsoon season set to continue from now till March, can plantation managers make the best out of these unpredictable situations? For oil palm plantations, excessive downpour […]
Tag: cloud computing
12th Malaysia Plan: Embracing Technology in Agriculture
Agriculture in Budget 2022 Minister of Agriculture and Food Industries, Datuk Seri Dr Ronald Kiandee assured that agriculture is ready to transform into a more modern and dynamic […]
Cloud computing data ownership and security
With business reports hosted on the Quarto platform, you may wonder about cloud computing data ownership and security. Now is the time to benefit from cloud computing, minus […]
Sowing into skills, productivity and technology
Sowing into skills, productivity and technology to harvest growth Malaysia’s palm oil industry has become overly reliant on foreign workers. says the oil palm sector is comprised of […]
Digitalisation, the door to opportunities in China
China’s decision to allow red palm oil imports is expected to increase Malaysia’s CPO exports by approximately 400,000 to 800,000 metric tonnes from its 2019 figures. Some beneficiaries of this […]
Interconnectivity in agriculture technology to increase value and yields
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, cloud technology was deemed one of the top 3 technologies to invest in. While 44% of SMEs use cloud computing, most of them have not […]
Palm oil players can benefit more from highest CPO prices by investing in automation
Even as palm oil prices soared to their highest in 10 years the government is investing into the future by increasing the CPO cess levy by RM2 per tonne to fund automation and mechanising. Nine […]
Quarto Palm Oil Mill: Simplify Mill Management
A palm oil mill is the central hub to produce crude palm oil or extract palm kernels for further refining. As the recipient of palm fruits from numerous […]
Agriculture Resilience on The Cloud
We’ve seen how cloud technology is powering businesses from SMEs to enterprises. Now we’ll examine the potential of cloud technology in agriculture, and how it is fast forwarding the […]
How can cloud technology help SME businesses and enterprises?
Last week, we saw how cloud technology is part of our daily lives. But the applications go beyond personal use. Cloud technology also benefits businesses, whether SMEs or […]